Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Multiplication Is The Key

Math is a subject that most people found difficult when they were in school. When is comes to making money on the internet, the math is simple. Let's say you take the initiative to register at one of the numerous websites that I recommend throughout this blog such as Survey Spot. Let's presume that you spend about an hour a day doing surveys and get paid $5 a day doing so from this website. That equals to $35 a week, $140 a month, and $1,680 annually. Now imagine if you completed surveys from other websites with that same rate of payout. Let's say for instance you join ten survey websites with the same payout rate (and put in the time and effort each day). That equals $350 a week, $1,400a month, and 16,800 annually. I know these numbers are a little far fetched for some people but are really attainable with time and effort. The main idea I'm getting at is that you Must have multiple streams of income to make real money on the internet.

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